Liam is a new editor intern at Bigfoot, working under
Fashion TV. He's been here just three weeks, and is working in our 6-month program. Liam says he likes working at Bigfoot because you get involved in projects as soon as you arrive. In editing you can edit so many different ways; it's very creative and you start to figure out your style. In a way,
the internship is a test run for the real world of filmmaking.
Prior to coming to Bigfoot, Liam had graduated from filmschool and worked on a few shorts in London. In the Fashion TV editing suite, Liam gets a taste of Filipino culture - the Filipino editors break out in song and it makes you want to add a bass line to accompany them. The country is quite famous for Karaoke (it's practically the national sport), and Liam notes that even a waitress in a restaurant will sing as she serves you.
An interesting thing Liam has found in Cebu is getting used to the transport system. "You have to make your own way" - Jeepneys and taxis take a while to get used to but it's worth the effort of learning to use the system. Then, you're free to roam about Mactan Island and Cebu city.
You can apply for the internship program