Scary movies! Monsters! Blood, guts & gore!
When it's over, grab a big jack-o-lantern full of candy and stuff your face with goodies. Yum! I once watched David Lynch's Eraserhead while eating popcorn and nachos the whole way through. My stomach felt just a little quesy afterward. (Don't try this at home kids!)
For more gore and less this-is-so-friggin'-weird-ness, take a peek at Midnight Movie. It's a slasher film with a twist, and the cure to David Lynch. The plot goes like this: a group of unsuspecting youth hit the theater to watch a vintage horror flick and heckle away until they're sucked into the action and the killer is after them. Think Last Action Hero meets Saw and substitute Arnie for a psycho mouthless guy with a razor-sharp spiral-shaped knife. Niiice!
It's a great film for cuddling with that hot date of yours.
Leave some love on the blog while you check out the trailer.
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